Friday, September 2, 2011


Every day we are surrounded by the space and shapes of things. In order to understand the world we live in, we need to have spatial understanding. That is why we need to learn geometry. You can see geometric shapes, symmetry, and three dimensional objects in your classroom, at home, in buildings and in nature. In this class we are going to learn about angles and triangles, perimeter, area and volume and improve our knowledge about the world we live in. This class is recommended for 9 -12 graders who already have taken algebra I. This is a one year program and a prerequisite for Advanced Algebra class.

The following Minnesota Math Standards will be covered in the class:

1. Tools of Geometry
• Points, lines and planes
• Measuring angles
• Basic constructions
• Perimeter, circumference and area

2. Reasoning and proof
• Patterns & inductive reasoning
• Conditional statements
• Definitions
• Deductive reasoning
• Proving angles congruent

3. Parallel and Perpendicular lines
• Properties of parallel lines
• Parallel lines and triangles
• Constructing parallel and perpendicular lines
• Equations of lines in the coordinate plane

4. Congruent triangles
• Congruent figures
• Triangle congruence by SSS and SAS
• Triangle congruence by ASA and AAS
• Isosceles and equilateral triangles
• Congruence in right triangles

Required Work:

Class Folder: Complete daily worksheets and turn in for corrections. Collect them in the folder.

Portfolio: Write down what you learn in the class everyday in your own words and find examples in daily life for each math concept you learn. You can add pictures and paper cutouts to make it more meaningful.

Projects: You will do two projects per semester. I will help you to do these projects in afterschool classes.

Test & Quizzes: You will do 2 short quizzes for each unit and a test at the end of the trimester. It is required to maintain complete silence while taking quizzes. Every student is required to take the end of the trimester test to pass the class. If you can’t come to the test, talk to me and schedule a different date.

Grading Policy:

Your grade will be determine by the total points you accumulate thorough out the trimester
According to the following percentage basis:

90 – 100 % -A
80 – 89 % - B
70 – 79 % - C
60 – 69 % - D
0 – 59 % - NC

How to collect your points:

Warm-up questions 5%
Class work 10%
Portfolio 10%
Quizzes (2 quizzes per unit, total 8) 40%
Projects (2) 20%
Test 15%

Class Rules:

1. Respect yourself
2. Respect others
3. Make the best use of your time

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